Secure Enterprise Mobility: Applying Zero Trust Principles for Enhanced Cybersecurity

As the use of mobile devices in the workplace becomes more prevalent, the need for secure enterprise mobility is increasing. The Zero Trust (ZT) approach to cybersecurity offers a framework for achieving enhanced security in the mobile ecosystem. In this blog, we will explore the application of Zero Trust principles to enterprise mobility.

What is Zero Trust?

Zero Trust is a collection of tenets and principles, and a mindset towards achieving enhanced cybersecurity. At its core, Zero Trust is about not trusting anything by default, and verifying everything before granting access. This means that users, devices, applications, and networks must be authenticated and authorized before access is granted. Zero Trust also requires continuous monitoring and risk assessment to ensure that access remains appropriate.


Zero Trust Architecture

A ZT Architecture is a formalized framework for developing and organizing ZT principles, models, and guidelines to help bring security capabilities to bear for effective security solutions at an enterprise level. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency’s (CISA) ZT model aligns available mobile security technologies to ZT principles.


Mapping Zero Trust Principles to Mobile Security Components

To apply Zero Trust principles to enterprise mobility, it is important to map them to the corresponding components of the mobile security ecosystem technologies. Available mobile security components can be classified into three broad categories: Mobile Security Technologies, Operating System (OS), and Other (primarily ‘hardware’ and ‘ancillary capability enablers’). 

The mobile security capabilities matrix in Figure 1 can be used to indicate applicable mobile security capabilities that address the corresponding ZT principles. Tables 1 and 2 show how existing mobile security technologies can advance cross-cutting ZT capabilities, including Visibility and Analytics, Automation and Orchestration, Identity, Device, Network/Environment, Application Workload, and Data.


Figure 1: Mobile Security Capabilities Matrix

Reprinted from “Applying Zero Trust Principles to Enterprise Mobility”, by Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, 2022, p. 11

Table 1: Mobile Security Capability Mapping

Reprinted from “Applying Zero Trust Principles to Enterprise Mobility”, by Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, 2022, p. 13

Table 2: Mapping to Cross-Cutting Capabilities

Reprinted from “Applying Zero Trust Principles to Enterprise Mobility”, by Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, 2022, p. 14


Governance is a critical aspect of ZT, and it is included under each of CISA’s five pillars. It encompasses auditing of provisioning of identities and permissions, technical enforcement of identity, device, and network policies, policy enforcement of application development with test and evaluation processes, enforcement of data protections, and data categorization and access authorizations.


The mobile security ecosystem provides technical solutions for enforcement of some of these governance needs. Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) solutions and Mobile Threat Defense (MTD) tools are key to enforcing technical policies including data protection. Mobile Application Management (MAM) and Mobile App Vetting (MAV) solutions can be configured to adapt to organization-specific policies for development and test and evaluation processes.

People and Processes are Critical

While technical solutions are important, people and processes are also critical factors to a comprehensive ZT architecture and program. Organizations should review their existing mobile use policies that go beyond technical implementation and align them with their ZT goals.


Next Steps

Organizations should develop a strategy and their own ZT roadmap consistent with their mission and business needs and in response to the Office of Management and Budget’s ZT strategy and timeline. This journey should be guided through organizational maturity levels towards their ZT goals, while making updates to existing security policies and procedures and related mobile infrastructure changes.

Organizations should conduct risk assessments against organization-specific ZT goals to develop formalized approaches for technical changes as well as personnel policies and processes for the mitigation of residual risks.

Mobile security management vendors should consider working together towards interoperable Visibility and Analytics capabilities, as well as Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR) capabilities through a tighter integration among device manufacturers and EMM offerors.

As mobile devices continue to play an increasingly critical role in the workplace, it is essential to ensure their security. The Zero Trust approach provides a framework for enhancing mobile security. By mapping Zero Trust principles to mobile security components, organizations can develop a comprehensive mobile security program that aligns with their Zero Trust objectives.

The adoption of zero trust principles is becoming increasingly critical for organizations to effectively protect their enterprise mobility solutions. By implementing the recommendations and strategies outlined in this paper, organizations can develop a comprehensive zero trust architecture that will ensure secure access to sensitive data and resources from mobile devices. However, it is important to note that zero trust is not a one-time implementation, but rather an ongoing process of continuous improvement and adaptation. Organizations must continuously assess and mitigate risks to ensure the security of their mobile devices and infrastructure. With the right mindset, strategies, and tools in place, organizations can stay ahead of emerging threats and protect their data and resources from malicious actors.

Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. (2022, March). Applying Zero Trust Principles to Enterprise Mobility. Retrieved from


Authorization, the third process in IAM


Authentication, the second process in IAM